Frequently asked questions about our recumbents can also be found on this website in our recumbent FAQ or in the owner’s manuals. If you have any further questions, please contact us during the telephone service hours listed above. For in-depth advice and technical support, you can quickly find a contact near you in the “Dealers” menu. For press enquiries please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-283; suppliers please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-288.

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Unless otherwise stated on the corresponding page, all pages of our website are subject to copyright © HP Velotechnik in their content as well as in their form and design. All rights reserved. This excludes the articles quoted in the press reviews.

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The trademarks HP Velotechnik, Streetmachine, Grasshopper, BodyLink, ErgoMesh, AirZound, Scorpion, Gekko, Hands-On-Cycle, Delta, Delta tx and Streamer , among other trademarks, are registered and protected trademarks in Germany and, in some cases, in further countries.

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HP Velotechnik, as a content provider, is responsible for its own content, which the company makes available for use, according to the general laws. Our pages are intended to provide non-binding information and advice, HP Velotechnik, does not, by any means, offer any guarantee or assume any liability in connection with any use of our website.

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