Frequently asked questions about our recumbents can also be found on this website in our recumbent FAQ or in the owner’s manuals. If you have any further questions, please contact us during the telephone service hours listed above. For in-depth advice and technical support, you can quickly find a contact near you in the “Dealers” menu. For press enquiries please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-283; suppliers please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-288.

Prices for Recumbent Bikes and Trikes, Accessories, Spare Parts

Our Current Price Lists in English Language

Recumbent fans from all over the world: Here you will find links to our current price lists in English with Euro prices valid worldwide with the exception of the USA and in US$ exclusively for customers in the United States. All Euro prices are recommended retail prices including 19 % VAT, plus shipping. Our specialist dealers will be happy to give you detailed advice and make you an individual offer.

+++++ Please note that the tight supply situation in the bicycle industry poses a great challenge when sourcing various components. Your dealer will provide you with information regarding the expected availability of your desired bike and can consult with HP Velotechnik in individual cases. As far as possible, we inform you in our online configurator to which extent certain equipment options are likely to have a significantly increased or unclear delivery time. Please refer to the info text of the respective option. In addition, we keep an overview of options with foreseeable longer delivery times available for you as a pdf document. This file will be updated weekly. +++++

All Bikes and Trikes. All Parts. The Complete Accessories.

Our retail price list gives you a complete overview of our offered product range. Listed here are all HP Velotechnik recumbent cycles – two-wheeled and three-wheeled – as well as our complete assortment of spare parts & recumbent bike accessories and how much they cost.

HP Velotechnik retail price list
Price Lists: Recumbent Models

Our two-wheelers

Price Lists: Recumbent Models

Our Three-Wheelers: Gekko-Trikes

Price Lists: Recumbent Models

Our Three-Wheelers: Scorpion-Trikes

Price Lists: Recumbent Models

Our Three-Wheelers: Delta tx

Price Lists: Options

Our Accessories: Comfort & Ability

Create your dream bike online!

With our custom configurator, you can conveniently choose your desired component specification for your custom-made recumbent bike or trike for adults from HP Velotechnik. Save and print the selected setup and order from your dealer with your configuration number.

Konfigurator Configurator Scorpion Trikes Dreirad Liegerad